Our Experiences

Encompass the physical systems and structures that enable the movement of people and goods, including roads, bridges, railways, airports, ports, and public transit systems.


Terminal Master Plan
Terminal Master Plan
Feasibility Study
Bridge Feasibility Study
Survey Transportation
Survey Transportation
Bussiness Case Railway
Business Case Railway

A Collaboration between a government entity (public sector) and a private company (private sector) to design, finance, build, operate, and maintain public infrastructure or services.


PPP - Infrastructure (Hospital)
PPP - Infrastructure (Hospital)
PPP - Infrastructure (Modern Market)
PPP - Infrastructure (Modern Market)
PPP - Infrastructure (Industrial Area)
PPP_Infrastruktur (Industrial Area)
PPP-Infrastructure (Sports Arena)
PPP_Infrastruktur (Sports Arena)

Encompass the planning, policies, and actions aimed at improving the economic, social, and environmental well-being of both cities and the broader regions.


Spatial Planning Evaluation
Spatial Planning Evaluation

Encompass studies and research in the form of Preparing strategic plans, rules, laws, and formal organizations such as government agencies to ensure compliance and maintain order.


Transportation Strategic Plan
Transportation Strategic Plan
National Assessment Index
National Assessment Index
Funding Strategic Plan
Funding Strategic Plan

Encompass the relationship between the availability, management, and use of water resources and the establishment, growth, and sustainability of human communities in urban and rural areas.


Institutional Capacity Building Water Resources
Institutional Capacity Building Water Resources

Encompass the integration of telecommunications and informatics (computing systems) to gather, transmit, and analyze data from remote objects, especially vehicles, over a network.


Road Geographic Information System
Road Geographic Information System
Multi Years Contract Information System
Multi Years Contract Information System